"Sinex" Piston Impact Vibrators have been developed for all applications requiring "Linear Pulsating Force". They can be used for promoting material flow from small hoppers, down feed pipes & chutes and as prime movers for screens, feeders compaction and testing table etc. Sinex manufactures these vibrators in both impact type and air cushioned type (silent-non contact)
Impact Vibrator has its piston malletting continuously at one end while it is cushioned at the other. Since impact has high energy release rate, it is very effective in dislodging stubborn material build ups. Impact produces considerable noise, but the vibrator is run in short bursts and used for remote & open air installations. This type is ideal at places where traditionally bars and mallets have been used.
a) European Quality – Indian Pricing.
b) Cost effective, maintenance free & long life.
c) Self starting in any position and totally flame proof - ideal for fire hazard areas.
d) Finger tip control on frequency and amplitude - even while running and in stepless manner.
e) In house analysis tools for best vibration at minimum air consumption.